OUr mission
We believe the purpose of ministry to students is not simply to offer an age-appropriate teen activity on Wednesday nights, nor is it merely to provide a source of clean entertainment. Rather, our student ministry is Fairway’s attempt to teach, shepherd, and cultivate in our teenagers and young adults deep affections for Jesus; teenagers who abide in Christ. Who walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel to which they have been called. Our hope and prayer is for students to grow spiritually and leave the student ministry understanding, how to read & study God’s Word, the importance of the local church, and how to fulfill the Great Commission. We believe the Gospel changes lives, therefore, our singular mission for Fairway’s student ministry is to reach teenagers with the Gospel. To do this, we currently concentrate our efforts on Sunday morning Life Groups, a Wednesday night youth service and various activities throughout the year, such as camps, lock-ins, fellowships, etc.
Sunday School (Life Group) starts at 9:30AM every Sunday
Currently, during Sunday School our students are working through Systematic Theology. This curriculum is an adaptation of Wayne Grudem's book "Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know" designed to engage the students. We strongly believe in the importance of God's Word and our student's ability to understand it. This curriculum sets a foundation we are able to build upon throughout their Junior High and High School years.